FG Lifts Restriction on Sports, See List

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Obiajulu Joel Nwolu

The Federal government of Nigeria has granted permission for the resumption of non-contact sports in Nigeria.

This was made known by Dr. Sani Aliyu, National Coordinator of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, during its daily press briefing in Abuja.

Aliyu said low risk sporting activities could resume as government continues to ease the coronavirus induced lockdown measures.

These sports include athletics, lawn tennis, table tennis, golf, cricket, cycling, among others.

However, contact sports like football, boxing, wrestling, Taekwondo, rugby, swimming and basketball remain banned until further notice.

He said, “For recreational parks/communal sports, restrictions are removed on outdoor communal non-contact sports and the use of recreational parks for supervised physical exercise, not for social interactions.

Aliyu urged recreational parks that are unable to enforce safety measures to remain closed.

“For outdoor non-contact sports, this includes lawn tennis, table tennis, squash, badminton, cycling, athletics, golf, polo, para-athletics, cricket, and other non-contact outdoor communal activities, in the event that people are not certain, please contact the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports for further guidance,” he said.

Source: Nation

This post was written by Obiajulu Joel Nwolu.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

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