Lai Mohammed Justifies Borrowing to Finance Infrastructure

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Obiajulu Joel Nwolu

Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed has justified government’s borrowing to finance infrastructure, saying there is nothing bad with it.

He disclosed this while on an inspection tour of the Lagos-Ibadan railway project.

According to Mohammed, “We didn’t borrow money for services.”

“We didn’t borrow money for overhead expenditure. We borrowed money for capital projects – rail, road, bridges, power, general infrastructure.

“There is nothing bad in borrowing, provided that borrowing is invested in infrastructure, especially when it will create jobs, create an enabling environment for the economy.”

The Minister expressed satisfaction with the quality of work done on the Lagos-Ibadan rail project.

“I am very excited,” he said. “When I got into the train this morning, it was as clean and modern as any coach anywhere in the world.

“I was also quite impressed with the passion of the Honourable Minister (of Transportation). You can see that every point in time, he is pushing the contractors, saying ‘look, I can’t wait till October, I will come back in four weeks’ time,’ because we want to be able to deliver this kind of infrastructure to Nigerians.”


Source: Channels

This post was written by Obiajulu Joel Nwolu.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

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