Kano State House of Assembly Dissolves Newly Created Emirates, Paves Way for Sanusi’s Return

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Kano, Nigeria – In what may be described as a major move, the Kano State House of Assembly has dissolved the four newly created emirate councils in the state, leaving only the Kano Emirate. This decision followed extensive deliberations on the floor of the House during a plenary session on Thursday.

The Kano State Emirates Council Amendment Bill was brought to the floor for consideration, and it swiftly passed through its second and third readings on Thursday morning. The bill’s approval marks a significant shift in the state’s traditional leadership structure, which had been altered under the administration of former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje.

Deputy Speaker Muhammad Butu elaborated on the rationale behind repealing the law, stating that it was essential to restore the lost glory of Kano. “The division of Kano emirate into five reduced the capacity and dignity of the state at the national level,” Butu explained. “By revoking this division, we aim to revive the historical and cultural prestige of Kano.”

The Majority Leader, Alhaji Lawan Dala, echoed Butu’s sentiments, emphasizing the cultural implications of the decision. “The emirate council serves as a custodian of our culture, which was distorted by the creation of the four additional emirates,” Dala said. “With this amendment, we are correcting a historical oversight and preserving our heritage.”

See Also: Why I Sacked Sanusi as Emir of Kano – Ganduje

The dissolution of the additional emirates—Bichi, Karaye, Rano, and Gaya—marks a return to the traditional structure with Kano Emirate as the sole entity. The House also adopted a motion to establish a new second-class emirate council, although details about this new council remain sparse.

This legislative action aligns with previous steps taken by the House, which had earlier initiated amendments to the Kano State Emirs (Appointment and Deposition) Law. This move is seen by many as paving the way for the possible return of the deposed Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II.

The background to these developments can be traced to political changes and promises made during election campaigns. Former Governor Ganduje had orchestrated the division of the Kano emirate and the deposition of Sanusi II. However, following the New Nigerian Peoples Party’s victory in last year’s elections, promises were made to review and possibly reverse these decisions.

Senator Rabi’u Kwankwaso, former Kano governor and leader of the Kwankwasiyya movement, had indicated earlier this year that the issue of Kano emirates would be revisited. “Honestly, the Kano Emirates issue is one of the things that nobody has sat with me to discuss so far, but I am sure we are going to sit and see how to go about it,” Kwankwaso said in January. “Is it going to be allowed, demolished, corrected, or whatever? It will be revisited, and what’s supposed to be done will be done.”

Kwankwaso expressed concerns about the intentions behind the initial balkanization of the emirate, suggesting it was carried out in bad faith. “There were a lot of things, and this was a trap. All these things were not done in good faith or intention,” he stated. “Sometimes you come with things that are good, and they turn out to be bad while sometimes you bring bad things, and they turn out to be good. So, all I know is that I was not consulted as of now, but definitely, we will come to discuss and see what should be done.”

Nigerians will keep watching how things play out and if indeed Sanusi will be reinstated.

Source: Punch

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