Health care workers stage a protest during the ongoing doctors' strike in Kenya.


Kenyan Doctors End Two-Month Strike

By admin

May 10, 2024

Nairobi, Kenya – After a nearly two-month nationwide strike, Kenyan public hospital doctors have agreed to return to work. The decision brings much-needed relief to millions of Kenyans who rely on public healthcare services that have been severely disrupted by the strike.

The strike was sparked by a long-standing dispute regarding inadequate pay and poor working conditions for doctors. Davji Atellah, the union secretary-general, confirmed on May 8th that doctors will resume work, placing their trust in the government to finally address the core issues of the strike.

The agreement to end the strike came after a labor court issued a 48-hour deadline for the doctors and the government to reach a resolution, or else the court would intervene.

See Also: Nationwide Strike: Some State Chapters Support NLC

Kenya’s Health Minister, Susan Nakhumicha, acknowledged the doctors’ tenacity in negotiations, stating they “had put up quite a fight.”

The end of the strike is timely, as Kenya grapples with a healthcare system pushed to the brink. The lack of doctors in public hospitals forced some facilities to hire temporary staff solely for emergency care.

This current strike echoes a similar situation in 2017 when doctors held a 100-day strike – the country’s longest ever – demanding better wages and improved conditions within Kenya’s struggling public health facilities.

As the healthcare system attempts to recover, Kenya faces another urgent challenge: widespread flooding. Since mid-March, heavy rains have affected over 235,000 people, adding another layer of complexity to the nation’s strained resources.

Source: Africa News