Atiku Vows to Continue Presidential Bids: “I Will Keep Contesting”

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Abuja, Nigeria – Atiku Abubakar, Nigeria’s former vice-president, has reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to pursuing the presidency, declaring his intention to “keep contesting” as long as he remains healthy. The 77-year-old veteran politician made this statement during an interview on the Hausa service of the Voice of America in Abuja.

Abubakar, who represented the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2023 presidential election, will be 81 years old by the next election in 2027. Despite his age, he remains resolute in his ambition to lead Nigeria.

“Of course, I will keep contesting again and again as long as I am alive and healthy,” Abubakar said, underscoring his enduring political resolve.

Having made six attempts at the presidency, Abubakar has been on the ballot as a presidential candidate three times—first in 2007, then in 2019, and most recently in 2023. His persistence, he says, is inspired by historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln, who famously ran for office multiple times before becoming President of the United States.

“Even the former US President Abraham Lincoln contested seven times before finally winning,” Abubakar remarked, finding solace in Lincoln’s perseverance.

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The former vice-president also addressed internal challenges within his party, the PDP. He emphasized the necessity for unity and strategic alliances to enhance their chances in future elections.

“Given the current state of the PDP, it is clear that a single-handed effort will not suffice to win the election. Strong support and collaboration with other parties are required,” Abubakar noted.

In line with this strategic approach, Abubakar recently revealed efforts to engage with Peter Obi, the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate in the 2023 election, regarding a potential merger.

“This is to anybody that thinks there is going to be a misunderstanding between me and Obi, let me assure you that not even a small issue is going to happen between us,” he stated, dismissing any rumors of discord.

Abubakar further expressed his willingness to support a unified candidate, potentially from the southeastern region, highlighting his openness to collaboration for the greater good of the party and the nation.

“Also, we are going to be behind anybody that will be chosen to represent us in the forthcoming elections,” he affirmed. “I have made it clear in my previous speeches that if our parties are going to merge to agree on a candidate from the southeast, as long as he is qualified, we will allow it.”

As Nigeria looks ahead to the 2027 elections, Abubakar’s steadfast commitment and calls for unity within the PDP signal a determined effort to rejuvenate his party’s prospects and form a formidable coalition capable of winning the presidency.

Source: The Cable

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