A Tribute to My Namesake – Senator John Sidney McCain III.

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Chimaobi Eluigwe

“Who is that?” He asked with feigned shock etched vividly on his face.

“That White Man over there!” she said pointing at me.

I looked up from my desk to find one finger and about 10 pairs of astounded eyes in my direction. I chuckled, especially at the reference to me as ‘that white man’. Anybody who knows me knows that the only white things about my appearance are my teeth and eyes, the others are ‘very African’. Lol . . .

It turns out that the lady who had referred to me as a white man did so because of my support for Sen McCain during the US presidential campaign in 2008 between Barack Obama and John McCain. My support for the American senator was so strong that it earned me the nickname ‘McCain’ in Airtel Nigeria at the time (especially amongst my fellow staff bus mates), so much so that years later, I met some people in the company who didn’t know my actual name and simply referred to me as McCain.

My support for him was based on the set of principles that has led me to support other republican presidential candidates like George Bush, Mitt Romney and most recently the Donald. Principles like individual freedom and personal responsibility, free enterprise and capitalism, peace through strength underpinned by a strong military. I appreciate these principles because they are universally applicable to all nation-states.

McCain exemplified these principles in a way that few men have. From his years of torture in Vietnam, his refusal to be released without his prison mates, to his service in the American senate for over 3 decades, his principled stance on issues plus his flexibility with those on the other side of the chamber for the good of his country. He was simply a Hero!

His concession speech after he lost to Obama remains a classic masterpiece for democracy. Like his wife Cindy wrote in his memory – he lived and died on his own terms, with those he loved, adored by the nation he served and respected by the world. What more can a man ask for?

Well, maybe a little extra . . .

Like his daughter Meghan McCain stated – “Today the warrior enters his true and eternal life, greeted by those who have gone before him, RISING TO MEET THE AUTHOR OF ALL THINGS!”

May the Author of All things, Jesus Christ – the Ultimate Hero, the Man of War, tortured in a land foreign to Him, released with His fellow prisoners, and rose up to become the Law-Giver and Peacemaker.

May that same One receive you with the most treasured words we all aspire to: “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”

Adieu, great one!

This post was written by Chimaobi Eluigwe.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

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