Opinion: The Deceit Of Amending the Null and Void 1999 Nigeria Constitution
11th August 2020
For the sake of authenticity and thus validity, Nigeria’s Constitution must truly be made by the people, and not be imposed upon the people (unawares) as was the 1999 Constitution. In the past twenty-one years much has been written about the forgery that the 1999 Constitution is. Briefly, “We the people” did not prepare or agree any part of this Constitution as falsely claimed in its preamble. Furthermore, the current Nigeria is not a Federation as stated in the Constitution, instead it operates under a Unitary system. These are just two ways that make the 1999 Constitution a clear forgery.
Since the 1999 Constitution is a forgery, it is not binding because it is NULL AND VOID. It therefore cannot be amended but as a forged instrument must be disc...