Tag: Nigeria

Electricity Calamity and the Sham 1999 Nigeria Constitution

Electricity Calamity and the Sham 1999 Nigeria Constitution

1st July 2020 There are several ways of generating electricity such as using: Gas – Nigeria has it. Fossil fuel – Nigeria has it. Coal – Nigeria has it. Biomass – Nigeria has it. Wind ­– Nigeria has it. Hydro – Nigeria has the water for it. Nuclear – Nigeria has the Uranium for it. Solar – Nigeria has the sun for it. So why exactly is it that sixty years after Independence Nigeria remains so badly unelectrified? What is the source of the permanent under-development of the territory called Nigeria? We do not need to look far for the answer to these important questions as observers, including experts on electricity, law and jurisprudence point us to the 1999 Nigeria Constitution. Nigerians are living witnesses (or rather, victims) that without electricity access is denied to modernity,...
1999 Nigeria Constitution – Bin it to Rescue Nigeria
News, Nigeria

1999 Nigeria Constitution – Bin it to Rescue Nigeria

16th June 2020   In the matter of the 1999 Nigerian Constitution the Nigerian way of doing things is unlikely to favour anybody. That is the way of BYPASSING problems, rather than facing them and dealing with them, once and for all.   The Constitution is the foundation of the country and so must be obtained in a proper way if citizens are to have confidence to honour it and abide by it. Disturbingly, the 1999 Constitution lacks validity. There are several things in it that are completely untrue and some that are contrary to what had been agreed pre-Independence for any Union of ethnic nationalities to ever be possible. Much has already been written about the inconsistencies in the 1999 Constitution but a key one is in the preamble that starts with, “We the people of t...
George Floyd Killing – African Implications Of Continued Hatred Of Black Bodies
Africa, Human Rights, Justice, News

George Floyd Killing – African Implications Of Continued Hatred Of Black Bodies

5th June 2020   The agonizing killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 in open view of the world by a White police officer assisted by 3 other non-Black officers, one of them Oriental, in America, is yet another hate-fuelled killing of a Black body. On that same day, in another part of America a White female called police with her best acting voice and lied that she was being threatened by a Black man, all because he had correctly complained about her needing to put her dog on a leash in that part of the park where they were. You see, Amy Cooper knew that Black people are hated and harmed by other communities, and she used the right words during her lying phone call to police, that would have potential to get the Black male, Christian Cooper (no relation) killed. Fortunately Chri...
Nigerian Youth Need An Alternative Culture
Africa, Inspirational, Lifestyle, Youths

Nigerian Youth Need An Alternative Culture

18th May 2020   Starting by stating the obvious: that a good culture creates a good country; and a bad culture creates a bad country. So, by the culture lived out, citizens establish the kind of country they prefer, not only for themselves but also for their children. Before going any further, culture here is the social behaviour and ideas of society, while tradition would be the ancient way of doing things say, dancing, dressing, cooking, music making etc.   Thus, “Nigerian Culture” has created the Nigeria we see. Structurally, it is a culture of INDIVIDUAL-MINDEDNESS which is basically self-preservation and self-profit, plus added to that is a SADISTIC tendency. The cultural focus on self and selfishness hardly any Nigerian or observer of Nigerians would disagree wi...
Opinion: Nigerian Values – Food For Thought
Economy, Features, Nigeria

Opinion: Nigerian Values – Food For Thought

14th April 2020 Life seems to be much about FOOD in Nigeria. There is regular talk about how to get food for oneself or for the children. People worry about not getting “three square meals” a day. Nigerians talk about the “national cake”. Young women look for a man to marry who can put food on the table. There is a great sense of satisfaction when food has been obtained or eaten. A good day is a day when food has been eaten.   Taking it further, politicians use food to either bribe people for votes, or to keep aggrieved citizens quiet. “Just give them food and it will all be ok”. Moreover, when a group is agitating for some kind of civil or human rights, we hear things said such as, “They must be hungry”. The rights or issues being addressed are disregarded, sadly, even by th...
If Nigerians Knew The Power Of Technology They Would Not Accept Electricity Failure

If Nigerians Knew The Power Of Technology They Would Not Accept Electricity Failure

12th February 2020 The simplest definitions for TECHNOLOGY on the internet are “Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes” and also “Technology is applying scientific knowledge to find answers and fix problems. It is the usage of science and scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Technology includes methods, systems, and devices”.   Some bright minds have classified human technological development into four, ie The Four Ages Of Technology: The Pre-mechanical Age: 3000 B.C.- 1450 A.D. The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840 The Electromechanical Age: 1840 - 1940 The Electronic Age: 1940 - Present   Black Africa is currently the world’s least in terms of technological development. We had started off well in the ancient m...
The Idiot Class of Nigeria
Africa, Corruption, Features, Nigeria

The Idiot Class of Nigeria

10th October 2019 We can look around us at the type of society that different nations have created for themselves and come up with a general evaluation of the thinking of either the majority of the citizens there, or at least of the "critical mass", those whose thinking style has captured the nation. For example in a nation where government is sincerely concerned about citizen welfare and poverty reduction, where the weak are considered and catered for, where development is visible, and where things work pretty much as they should - you can call that an intelligent society.  These are nations whose citizens value their citizenship, who take active interest in maintaining their way of life, and whose national passport is held in global esteem. Then you have those other countries where...
Africa: Africa looks for something new out of Trump
Africa, Economy, Justice, Kenya, News, Nigeria, Security

Africa: Africa looks for something new out of Trump

Donald Trump will welcome Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta to the White House on Monday for what will be only the second one-on-one meeting the US president has held with an African leader since he took office last year. The first meeting, with Nigeria’s ailing 75-year-old Muhammadu Buhari in April, ended with the US president telling aides he never wanted to meet someone so lifeless again, according to three people familiar with the matter. Advocates of closer US-Africa ties hope his encounter with the younger, more urbane Mr Kenyatta, 56, will breathe fresh life into a relationship with a region that Washington is seen to have neglected as other countries, notably China, develop ever-closer trade and investment ties with the continent. Under Emmanuel Macron, France is also trying to reset...