Tag: Featured Story

Lessons to be Learnt from the Recent Attack on IrokoTV
African Development, Biafra, News, Nigeria

Lessons to be Learnt from the Recent Attack on IrokoTV

So I just learnt that there was an attack on IrokoTv App in the form of attempts to have it delisted on both Google Playstore and iOS store. This move by some in the North was  in "retaliation" for the delisting of Adamu Garba's Crowwe from Google Play Store. Last I checked, retaliation meant "to hurt someone or do something harmful to someone because they have done or said something harmful to you". Based on the definition above, I fail to see how a mass action by the North to have IrokoTV app delisted by Google and Apple because Crowwe was delisted can be called retaliation. Was it Jason Njoku (owner of IrokoTV) that delisted Crowwe? Interestingly, it was the people he made fun of some years ago that came to his rescue. Ndi Igbo and the rest of Southern Nigeria galvanized into a...
If Nigerians Knew The Power Of Technology They Would Not Accept Electricity Failure

If Nigerians Knew The Power Of Technology They Would Not Accept Electricity Failure

12th February 2020 The simplest definitions for TECHNOLOGY on the internet are “Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes” and also “Technology is applying scientific knowledge to find answers and fix problems. It is the usage of science and scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Technology includes methods, systems, and devices”.   Some bright minds have classified human technological development into four, ie The Four Ages Of Technology: The Pre-mechanical Age: 3000 B.C.- 1450 A.D. The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840 The Electromechanical Age: 1840 - 1940 The Electronic Age: 1940 - Present   Black Africa is currently the world’s least in terms of technological development. We had started off well in the ancient m...
Africa’s Corruption – A Case Of Warped Europhilia
Africa, Corruption, Features, News

Africa’s Corruption – A Case Of Warped Europhilia

26th January 2020 We need an answer to give African children and young people when they ask us, “Why is there so much stealing going on?” and “Why do our civil servants and politicians keep on looting public resources?” They deserve to be answered not only because they are going to have to suffer the consequences of living with the savagery of such high levels of corruption, but their generation could also be the one that will put up a good fight against it. So our children and young people need to know exactly what they are going to have to deal with.   To know the reason for the stealing, just “follow the money”. This is an expression that means that to expose illicit wealth or unjust enrichment, trail the money. So again then, why is Africa’s public money not being used fo...
You – A Platform For Social Change
Inspirational, Life, Lifestyle, Nigeria

You – A Platform For Social Change

14th January 2020   Most people want to be commended, or valued, or “blessed” after they have done a good deed. Most of us want to be recognised after we have done something helpful. This is perfectly normal, and it is us being human. Other people though, live at a higher level. One of them was Kaspar Nützel. Very few have heard of him, but millions know about his champion the monk Professor Martin Luther who officially started off the Protestant Reformation in Europe when in 1517 he reportedly nailed his Ninety-five Theses, a theological argument to the door of Wittenburg Church. Kaspar Nützel was a nobleman from Nuremberg in Germany. Luther's Ninety-five Theses had been written in Latin, a language that only scholars and not the ordinary citizen could understand. Without be...
Nigerian Culture or Alternative Culture?
Africa, Lifestyle

Nigerian Culture or Alternative Culture?

1st January 2020 Living in Nigeria, it is tiring to hear the usual response of, "This is Nigeria" or "This is not the UK" or "Are you not a Nigerian?", in the face of obvious wrongdoing that I have challenged. In any country the predominant culture is the one that characterises the country, and is the one that citizens are known for, and labelled by. For instance consider two foreign travellers arriving at London’s Heathrow airport. Both are males of the same age and social class, both are attended to by the same Immigration Officer, but one carries a Japanese passport, and the other carries a Nigerian passport. Japanese are renown for being law-abiding and having a tidy, productive little country. The Immigration Officer knowing facts about the cultures of the two countries where th...
Opinion: Can’t we Just be Normal?

Opinion: Can’t we Just be Normal?

I regularly hear words such as, "Our great country" or "We can be great again" in reference to Nigeria. Such words make me wonder what the speaker means by "great". Plus, for us to be "great again", it implies that Nigeria was once great, and if so, when in our history of 105 years was Nigeria ever great? From amalgamation to form Nigeria in 1914, and up to 1960, Nigeria was colonised by Britain but is it not strange for a people to say that when their land was occupied by a foreign power, their country was "great"? Today, "great" countries are those with enviable engineering technologies and they are able to manufacture all sorts of high precision and technically complex objects such as airplanes, ships, space rockets, trains and high speed railway systems, factory machinery, medical e...
Opinion:  Northern Sentiment Southern Ointment by Mansur Isah Buhari
Economy, News, Nigeria, Religion, Security

Opinion: Northern Sentiment Southern Ointment by Mansur Isah Buhari

A northern or southern president cannot solve our problems, a Nigerian president can. You can't have excuses and results. Sentiments don't solve problems; they compound them. Every region in Nigeria has its peculiar sentiment issues. I chose to talk about northern sentiment because I can authoritatively do so without the fear of being sentimental. The north is most interested in having a northern President rather than a Nigerian president. The only experience and qualification one needs to have the total support of an average northerner to become a president is "Alhaji" or "Malam" contesting against a "mister". Now that the north is gradually burning, we want the rest of Nigeria to join us in speaking up because Nigeria now belongs to all of us. Most times when they do speak up...