Breaking News: Boris Johnson Resigns as British Prime Minister

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Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of Britain has resigned after finally bowing to the mounting pressure as more and more party members called for his resignation.

While reading his resignation speech, he enumerated what his government has achieved and noted that he had hoped to accomplish a lot more. He said “I regret to not be successful in arguments and it’s painful not to see through so many ideas and projects.”

Thanking the British people he said, “I want to thank you, the British public, for the immense privilege you have given me”.

He also noted that he loved the job and the interest of the British people will continue to be served until the new Prime Minister emerges. He said ” being prime minister is an education in itself – I’ve travelled to every part of UK and I’ve found so many people possessed of such boundless British originality and so willing to tackle old problems in new ways.”

He acknowledged that there had been challenges but assured that the future was bright .”Even if things can sometimes seem dark now, our future together is golden.”

Boris Johnson had been under immense pressure for a while now. He had been criticized for both his personal actions as well as his official decisions.

As he becomes another past British Prime Minister, the world is now watching to see who will emerge as the new head of government in the UK.

Source: BBC News

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