
ECOWAS Calls for International Support, Deploys Standby Force to Restore Constitutional Order in Niger

By admin

August 11, 2023

The Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) has issued a call to the United Nations, partner countries, and other international institutions to back its efforts in swiftly restoring constitutional order in Niger Republic. This call comes in the wake of an extraordinary summit held in Abuja, Nigeria, where ECOWAS leaders convened to address the ongoing political crisis in the West African nation.

During the summit, ECOWAS announced a series of resolutions aimed at resolving the crisis that ensued following the ouster and detention of Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum by the military on July 26. The summit marked a follow-up to a previous meeting held on July 30, wherein the diplomatic efforts to address the situation were met with resistance by the military leadership of Niger.

In a statement, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Touray, expressed the Commission’s strong condemnation of the attempted coup and the continued illegal detention of President Bazoum and his government members. The Commission emphasized its determination to explore all possible measures and principles to peacefully resolve the crisis, while reaffirming its commitment to the decisions reached during the previous summit in Niger.

See Also: ECOWAS Emergency Summit Convenes Amid Niger Coup Crisis

As part of its efforts to restore constitutional order, ECOWAS directed the Committee of the Chiefs of Defence Staff to activate the ECOWAS standby force with all its components immediately. Furthermore, the bloc ordered the deployment of the ECOWAS standby force to Niger Republic, indicating a readiness to take necessary action to ensure a return to democratic governance.

ECOWAS also called upon the African Union to endorse the decisions made by the ECOWAS authority regarding the situation in Niger. The organization emphasized that member states that hinder the peaceful resolution of the crisis may face consequences for their actions within the community.

Nigeria’s President and Chairman of ECOWAS Authority, speaking after the summit, stressed that no option is off the table in resolving the Niger Republic crisis, including the use of force as a last resort. He emphasized the collective commitment of ECOWAS towards achieving lasting peace and prosperity in Niger Republic and other member countries.

The Nigerian leader acknowledged that challenges lie ahead, but expressed confidence that with determination, ECOWAS can navigate these obstacles to secure a brighter future for Nigeriens and the entire African continent. He extended gratitude to leaders for their unwavering commitment to the sub-region’s stability and the welfare of the continent.

As international attention remains focused on the situation in Niger, the actions and decisions of ECOWAS will play a crucial role in determining the course of events and the restoration of constitutional governance in the country.
