My Mum Abused Me Physically, Verbally and Spiritually

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Nancy Chioma Ohunta
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  • African parents abuse their children all in the name of home training and discipline.

I saw an article online and I totally agree with it. African parents abuse their children all in the name of home training and discipline.

My mum abused me, yes she did. She did that both physically, verbally and spiritually. Its funny though but till now I am still traumatized. My dad was a little understanding, but he was out most times so I always had my mum to deal with.

My mum would beat me for playing, she would beat me for coming second or third position in class, she would beat me for not wanting to eat swallow, she would beat me for coming back home with a dirty school uniform, my house was a living hell. My mum had a collection of “kpankere” she used to buy and keep in the house just for Chioma, it was terrible.

I remember the day I stole her money, #50 oh…hmmnnnnn, I still remember that day and have goose bumps all over. I remember when I had an extra semester in school, my mum couldn’t beat me then but the things she said to me were worse than beating. I remember in the midnight I’ll hear my mum praying and asking God to deliver, that I was possessed, lol not once not twice. Why? Cos I warned her never to lay her hands on me again.

I remember when I was in primary school and I was asked to write an essay about my mum, I wrote all the horrible things I could write as a kid about her and even made it clear that I hated her. During open day my mum stumbled on the essay and even when my teacher thought it would melt her, akuko…..the woman beat hate comot from my body that day.

Was my mum wicked? NO………. Did she hate me? Of course not, I was her only child. But its just the African mentality. Each time she abused me what I hear is “later they will say I didn’t discipline you cos its just you”. Madam are you beating me cos of what people will say? Are you just trying to prove a point? At the expense of my sanity?

These days she wants me to always sit and gist with her, but damn its difficult. She wants me to tell her things about me, mama that ain’t possible. You expect me to be close to you and probably always come home, no mama I’m still possessed.

I love my mum, so much…but some things are just difficult to change. The abuse was real, it still happens now, though just verbally and I wish my mum can really understand the thin line BTW correction, training and abuse.

This post is for our generation, please let’s learn to caution our children with love, if you’re to spank them please do it like they are humans and not animals. Bring your kids close, especially the girl child.

Make your home a safe place for your children so they can tell you everything and anything. Don’t compare your kids to other children, when they confide in you don’t use it against them. You should be the best support system no matter the issue at hand, I grew up being my own support system and it wasn’t funny.

I hope my story changes a few things in some families. God bless you all.

This post was written by Nancy Chioma Ohunta.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

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