Super Eagles Ready for Benin Republic – Finidi

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Super Eagles coach Finidi George has announced that his team is fully prepared to take on the Cheetahs of Benin Republic with utmost seriousness in their upcoming match. The game, scheduled to kick off at 5 p.m. (Nigerian time) at the Houphouet Boigny Stadium, marks a critical juncture for Nigeria in their quest to advance in the competition.

Nigeria finds itself in a challenging position, currently ranked fifth in Group C after a series of draws. The Super Eagles have tied 1-1 in their initial three matches against Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Each game has tested the team’s resilience and ability to secure a win.

Reflecting on the previous matches, especially the draw against South Africa, Finidi George emphasized the importance of learning and improvement. “We are going to approach the game with every seriousness. The match against South Africa, that is gone. We have learnt from it. We just have to get ourselves to have that fantastic second half that we had [against South Africa],” he stated. The coach’s focus is on replicating and extending the strong performance shown in the second half of their last game.

The Super Eagles’ strategy involves starting the game with the same intensity and effectiveness that marked their second-half performance against South Africa. Finidi George is confident that maintaining such momentum from the outset will enhance their chances of securing a much-needed victory. “If we can start that way tomorrow (now today), I think we have a chance,” he added, expressing optimism about the team’s prospects.

The match will take place at the Houphouet Boigny Stadium in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, a venue known for its vibrant atmosphere and enthusiastic football fans. The game is set to begin at 5 p.m. Nigerian time, and it promises to be a crucial encounter for both teams involved.

Source: VanguardNGR

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